Moana Coloring Pages

July 17, 2023 by Lee Eun-Ji

Moana coloring pages

Moana coloring pages are featuring Moana, Maui and other characters from Moana animated film. Get fresh coloring from our sweet collections. Set up your favorite color pencils or crayons to make it all full-color. By the way, here are some interesting details about Moana:

The animated film Moana tells the story of a young girl who embarks on a daring journey across the ocean to save her people and restore the heart of Te Fiti. Along the way, Moana encounters challenges, discovers her inner strength, and learns important life lessons that resonate with children.

Firstly, Moana teaches kids the significance of perseverance and believing in oneself. Despite facing obstacles and doubters, Moana remains determined to fulfill her mission. Her unwavering resolve and courage encourage children to pursue their dreams, even when the path seems difficult. The film shows that with perseverance and self-belief, one can overcome challenges and achieve great things.

Secondly, Moana emphasizes the importance of embracing one's identity and heritage. Moana's journey is deeply rooted in her Polynesian culture and connection to the ocean. Through her experiences, children learn the value of understanding and appreciating their own cultural roots. The film inspires kids to be proud of their heritage and to draw strength from it as they navigate their own paths in life.

Lastly, Moana teaches children about the power of empathy and compassion. Throughout her adventure, Moana develops a deep empathy for others, including the demigod Maui. She learns to understand his motivations and helps him find redemption. The film demonstrates the transformative impact of empathy, teaching kids to show kindness, understanding, and compassion towards others, even when faced with adversity.

Compare this coloring with Little Mermaid